CIM MBA Program

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Project Definition Improves Industrial Project Delivery

Manufacturing professionals today have access to more information than at any point in history, and it is incumbent upon them to make use of that information in order to stay competitive. One way that they are doing this is through a greater investment of time and energy in early-stage development of capital projects — i.e., ”project definition,” which is typically part of the preconstruction phase. An interactive and collaborative definition process can bring a greater level of detail to planning and is a critical starting point for successful project delivery.
Project definition helps the owner determine if the project is viable or not, aligns project expectations, and helps define a roadmap for the project delivery process. It results in early identification of possible problems and where they might occur, allowing for risk mitigation. The result is a reduction in the number of changes, unexpected costs, and variations of schedule during the execution of the project. The process also promotes alignment and efficiency among team members.