Each year, IndustryWeek magazine publishes its Top IW 500 Manufacturing companies, industries and states lists. IndustryWeek’s company list is a ranking of the largest public manufacturers based on revenue. The IW 500 state list looks at the U.S. states with the most revenue from IW500 companies. In addition, IndustryWeek reveals the industries and companies that drive manufacturing in each state.
California surged ahead of Texas, 64 companies to 55. By revenue, the biggest manufacturers in California together contributed $881 billion to the state’s coffers, while the biggest in Texas contributed $847 billion. Last year, the two states were tied with 61 IW U.S. 500 companies each last year.
Once again big oil, computer/electronics, and chemicals industries finish far ahead of the other industries, with 62, 57 and 52 companies making the IW U.S. 500 list. Machinery finished fourth, with 39 companies, and food industries, fifth, with 27 companies.
As for companies, ExxonMobil topped the IW 500 with revenue of $268.86 billion. Apple came in a distant second.
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