CIM MBA Program

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Benefits of Coaching

Coaching soccer has been a great experience for me. I've coached both boys and girls for the last 8 years. Currently, I'm coaching a U10 boys soccer team. About 75% of the players are back for their second year with me. Each of the boys has different skills, unique personalities and motivators. The first several practices I focused on trying to understand what makes each player tick so that I can better coach them and motivate them.

Interacting with the boys is truly fascinating. Being a coach is a very unique opportunity to positively impact young kids. I can assure the learning goes both ways. I'm teaching the kids about soccer (at least I think I am), but they are teaching me about even more more about communication, discipline, motivate, praise, and many other things.

Being a coach takes time and commitment, but the rewards are countless. For those of you who are parents, I strongly encourage you to get engaged in your children's sports activities. It is a tremendous opportunity to positively impact the lives of our kids.